Sunday, 15 November 2009

Brussel sprouts with pomegranate

I'm one of those many, perhaps tiresome people who don't like brussel sprouts. There's something about them that is just too much, rather stinky, like strong blue cheese must be to those people who don't like strong blue cheese. I've often thought it a shame-one less winter vegetable to eat, and I love their appearance, like a doll's house cabbage. And James adores them so, selflessly, I decided to try this recipe!

I must say that if ever one were to be converted to the sprout cause, this would be a good recipe to do it with. It's pretty appearance entices one, and the dressing is lovely. It disguises much of the taste I don't like about sprouts whilst leaving a pleasant texture. We ate them with the Pometgranate and honey-glazed lamb noisettes I posted yestereday and they complemented the dish admirably. But I'm afraid next time I will still be using this lovely recipe with a different sort of green. But sprout lovers, you will be in heaven.


Adapted from Ottolenghi in the Guardian Christmas food special 2008

1. Cut the brussel sprouts into two lengthways.

2. Fry using olive oil on a medium heat for about 5 minutes until al dente with a golden brown outside. Transfer to a bowl and keep warm.

3. Fry 4-5 chopped spring onions for 2-3 minutes. Add to the sprouts.

4. Mix together 2 teaspoons pomegranate molasses, 1 tablespoon honey, 2 tablespoons olive oil, the grated zest of one lemon and the seeds of half a pomegranate. Add this mixture to the warm vegetables and toss well. Can be served warm or cold.

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